Free Resource Library
Free Resource Library for Parents and Teachers// looking for some free resources for teaching your learner? I created one just for you! It has over 150 pages of resources that you can start using right away!
Free Resource Library for Parents and Teachers// looking for some free resources for teaching your learner? I created one just for you! It has over 150 pages of resources that you can start using right away!
Word Decoding Strategies// Is your child stuck on a word and you are not sure to help them? Use these decoding strategies to help them! These strategies can be used in a balanced literacy program, during classroom activities and during classroom instruction.
Summer Learning Loss Prevention / Summer learning loss, or summer slide, can happen when students do not do any learning over the summer. In this video, I will show you activities that will help your child retain the skills he or she learned over the school year so that they can keep the…
dyslexia screening / Does your child struggle in reading? 1 and 5 students struggle with dyslexia. Early intervention is key to helping students with dyslexia. In this video, I will show you a free Dyslexia screening that will help you identify if your child needs specialized reading instruction.
Tips on helping your child with Dyslexia/ Teaching your child to read can be tough enough, but adding in the element of dyslexia brings the task to a whole different level!
Back To School Books For Kindergarten/ It’s that time of the year again! Can you believe it? In this video I will be reviewing back to school books for kids as early as kindergarten. These children’s books will help your child get excited and prepared for what is to come on their first school day…
Children’s Audio Books Free for Kindergarten and First graders// Looking for ways to keep your child reading this summer? Get them into audio books!…
Short Vowel Games for First Grade // This video shows four fun games that you can do with your first grade learner when teaching them short vowel sounds! This game can be played with kindergarten, first grade or second grade learners…
Inclusive Children’s Books// Inclusive Children’s Books are so important to have on your child’s bookshelf. By watching this video, you are acknowledging the fact that having a diverse and inclusive library for your child is important.
Phonemic Awareness games for Kindergarten// Phonemic awareness is an important skill for our kindergarten, first grade and second grade readers to learn. It is just as important as learning the alphabet and yet it doesn’t get talked about enough.
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