Free Resource Library – Math
Free Resource Library for Parents and Teachers// looking for some free resources for teaching your learner? I created one just for you! It has over 150 pages of resources that you can start using right away!
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admin has contributed 62 entries to our website, so far.
Free Resource Library for Parents and Teachers// looking for some free resources for teaching your learner? I created one just for you! It has over 150 pages of resources that you can start using right away!
Fact fluency is so important to build in your learner’s early years. Being able to recall math facts quickly is building block skill to developing important math concepts. The counting on strategy is one of the first steps in mental math.
Comparison Story Problems// This week we are tackling those tricky word problems that leave your kiddos frustrated. One of the most challenging word problems my learners struggle with is comparison story problems.
The hundreds chart is a great tool for teaching your learners to gain their mathematical skills in number sense, skip counting and number sequence.
In this video, I’m going to show you six activities you can do with ten frames to increase your learner’s number sense!
Is your learner still counting with their fingers? This means they need to improve on their mental math skills!
Free Resource Library for Parents and Teachers// looking for some free resources for teaching your learner? I created one just for you! It has over 150 pages of resources that you can start using right away!
Narrative Writing Lesson K-2// We are diving into narrative writing! Our kiddos find a lot of success in personal narratives because they get to write all about themselves…
Journal Writing Lesson K-2nd Grade// Journal writing is one of the most authentic and engaging ways to incorporate writing into your learner’s routine. In this class, I will be teaching our learners how to start writing in their journals to document their time at home.
Letter Writing Lesson Template for Kids / In this video, I will walk you through a letter writing lesson for kids. This letter writing lesson teaches kids how to write a friendly letter or an informal letter…
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